Since the dawn of time, we have been growing vines and drinking wine.
Already among the Greeks and the Romans, the wines enjoyed great renown. If the Greeks brought new grape varieties, it was the Roman occupation that allowed the vine to spread throughout the country. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, the expansion of Christianity largely favored that of the vine and it is thanks to the church that we owe the continuity of its culture. Each monastery had its own vineyard and harvested its own wine. Subsequently, the revolution completely dismantled the French vineyard, which essentially belonged to the lords and religious communities. During the 19th century, two new events disrupted wine production: the creation of the railway which facilitated the wine trade and the appearance of Phylloxera, a tiny but dramatic aphid which ravaged all the vineyards of Europe.
We discovered, fortunately, the remedy for this scourge by grafting American plants on European grape varieties. The scientist Louis Pasteur was passionate about the study of wine, thus opening the way to modern oenology.